TFC Tidbit of the Day 23- Consider Innovative Ways to Theatrically Release Your Film
Instead of spending tons of money trying to inspire boxoffice success or buying it, create “events” around screenings….have live performances, Q&A’s, invite big groups of people to bring their members, etc. Don’t be passive….fill that theater with everyone you know and you just might convince other people that there is a built-in audience for your film.
This does not have to happen via the traditional theatrical model though. That can be a small part of the release to get reviews, but the rest can be a sort of EVENT THEATRICAL or HYBRID THEATRICAL release and you can sell DVDs at the screenings and build your community list and dialog too. Companies such as Fathom, Screenvision, Cinedigm offer alternative theatrical bookings and event screening options in traditional theatrical chains such as AMC, Cinemark, and Regal. (Stay tuned for our next blog on this topic and we’ll cover services such as Emerging Pictures too).
Selling DVDs at festivals and event screenings is a key revenue stream and should not be overlooked.
Orly Ravid July 27th, 2010
Posted In: Film Festivals, Marketing, Uncategorized
Tags: AMC, Cinedigm, Cinemark, Emerging Pictures, Event Theatrical, Fathom, Hybrid theatrical, independent film, Regal, Screenvision, The Film Collaborative, theatrical distribution, theatrical release
TFC Tidbit of the Day 20- Event Theatrical Exhibition
Fathom is a great known service doing event screenings in key theater chains across the country. Their key chains are: Regal, AMC, Cinemark, and some Loews and Pacific Theatres too but they’re fewer in number.
Films such as I.O.U.U.S.A have made great money and had a great release with Fathom. Other services such as Cinedigm and Screenvision are also offering similar programs at the same top chains. AMCi announced it’s reserving screens for indie films too, but details have not been released on this program yet. Stay tuned.
Are you a filmmaker who has worked with a distributor or service company for theatrical exhibition? Tell us about them in our Distributor Report Card.
Orly Ravid July 22nd, 2010
Posted In: Distribution Platforms, DIY, Uncategorized
Tags: AMC, AMCi, Cinedigm, Cinemark, Distributor Report Card, live event theatrical, Lowes, Pacific Theaters, Regal, Screenvision, The Film Collaborative