
About Fiscal Sponsorship

Fiscal Sponsorship is used primarily when a film or media-related project wants to secure funding from individual, foundation, government, or corporate sources that give only to nonprofit organizations with IRS tax-exempt status. To be considered exempt, an organization must hold a current 501(c)(3) certificate from the IRS.

Rather than attempt to secure tax-exempt status, individual filmmakers may contract with a fiscal sponsor to extend tax-exempt status to that specific project. As a Fiscal Sponsor, The Film Collaborative serves as a conduit for financial resources and provides support and oversight for independently produced projects.

TFC’s Fiscal Sponsorship program provides financial services, competitive administrative costs, and the dependability of working with an established filmmaker support organization. TFC uses Fiscal Sponsorship Model C: Pre-Approved Grant Relationship in accordance with the guidelines provided by the National Network of Fiscal Sponsors.

In the Pre-Approved Grant Relationship fiscal sponsorship model, the fiscally sponsored project does not become a program belonging to the sponsor but is a separate entity responsible for managing its own tax reporting and liability issues. TFC does not take ownership of any part of the results of the project’s work. As fiscal sponsor, TFC assures that the project will use the grant funds received to accomplish the ends described in the proposal. This is the model of fiscal sponsorship primarily utilized in the arts.

TFC charges an administrative cost for funds granted through our Fiscal Sponsorship program. This 5% admin cost covers the cost of running the program and managing donations to your project, including bookkeeping, distribution of funds, reporting to funders, maintaining the website, etc.

Fees and Admin Costs
  • TFC Contributor level membership is required to participate in the program, $90 annual fee
  • A one-time Fiscal Sponsorship Application Fee of $55
  • Admin cost of 5% on funds raised
  • Online donations incur a credit card processing fee of 2.2% plus $0.30 for each transaction. This fee is passed on from the credit card processor. Online donors have the option of covering the Paypal fee.
  • Project must represent an artistic contribution to the film or media art form
  • The applicant must be a producer and/or director of the project, must hold artistic, budgetary, and editorial control, and must own the copyright of the proposed project.
  • The project may be in any stage of development, production, post production or distribution.
  • Projects must be seeking funding from individual, foundation, government or corporate sources that give only to nonprofit organizations with IRS tax-exempt status.
  • Crowdfunding campaigns to be combined with fiscal sponsorship are also eligible.
  • Applicant does not need to live in the United States or be a U.S. citizen to apply for fiscal sponsorship. See this FAQ for more information.
Project Review Criteria

Elements we look for in a project we will sponsor:

  • Project tells a compelling story
  • Project takes an innovative approach to the subject matter
  • Project director has the access required to tell the story in a compelling way
  • A well-written proposal that follows the application instructions and gives a clear picture of the film’s story and themes
  • Project director and/or team are experienced and capable of completing the project
  • Audience is identified with a realistic plan for reaching and engaging that audience
  • Project has a realistic and well-planned fundraising strategy for using fiscal sponsorship, fundraising outside of the fiscal sponsorship program, and a reasonable chance of raising sufficient funds to complete the project
  • Industry standard formatted budget is thorough and realistic
Project Approval

Upon approval of your project the following will be requested. Further information and instructions will be included in follow-up correspondence tailored to your project’s unique needs.

  • Become a TFC member at the Contributor level
  • Sign Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement stating that you will:
    • Keep track of all expenses connected with the project
    • Spend donated funds on project expenses included in the budget approved by The Film Collaborative
    • Complete and return annual Project Status Report
    • Comply with all funder reporting requirements, on time, as per the funder’s schedule
    • Maintain TFC membership at the Contributor level or higher for the length of the sponsorship
  • Provide a signed W9 form for U.S. filmmakers. International filmmakers will sign an Out of Country agreement or W8 form
  • Verify the names of the primary and secondary contacts for the project
  • Provide content for your webpage. Examples can be found here.
  • Provide bank account info to receive funds
  • Provide social media links (if applicable)
  • Verify budget amounts

National Network of Fiscal Sponsors


The Film Collaborative follows the best practice guidelines from the National Network of Fiscal Sponsors.
The NNFS promotes the understanding and professional practice of fiscal sponsorship.