how we work.
Please go here if you are interested in Fiscal Sponsorship.
In terms of distribution services, if you have a documentary or narrative** feature film greater than 70 minutes or episodic series*, we can help you in the following 3 ways:
Free Educational Resources
Distribution Services
- Handle your worldwide film festival distribution
- Non-theatrical / hybrid / educational distribution
- Handle your U.S./Canada theatrical release
- Domestic Sales & Licensing
- Advise on all aspects of distribution and marketing
- Provide a commercial assessment of your work…where we think your film can fit within the current marketplace
- Help you with your global film festival strategy
- Advise you on all aspects of your domestic and international sales
- Advise your Digital Aggregation…from iTunes to Cable VOD to Amazon VOD, and more
** We rarely deal with horror or thrillers, so we are most likely not the home for those genres.
* We do not really handle short films. Very occassionally we will take on short films for Festival Distribution clients who have previously done features with us.