TFC Tidbit of the Day 4- Considerations for choosing a platform
Some platforms can be accessed via Self Distribution (e.g. Youreeeka or Maxcast) while others can only be accessed via an aggregator (e.g. Netflix, and iTunes, which at the moment is by far the greatest revenue generating platform in the digital distribution space). Some aggregators are better than others and some distributors and aggregators take lower fees than others. Choosing the best platform/portal for your film must be done with care and must also take into account the type of film it is and its overall release plan.
Much of this information can be found within our Digital Distribution Guide, available to our members. For this week, you can gain access to the full Guide by contributing $35 to our IndieGoGo campaign.
Orly Ravid June 30th, 2010
Posted In: Digital Distribution, Distribution Platforms
Tags: Digital Distribution, digital distribution guide, independent film, indiegogo, iTunes, Maxcast, Netflix, self distribution, TFC, The Film Collaborative, Youreeeka