TFC Tidbit of the Day 29 Find a Fellow Filmmaker to Share Your Four Wall Screens
If you need to qualify your film for Academy consideration, or your SAG contract stipulates you need to play theatrically for a week or so, you can often cut your cost in half by sharing those screens with another filmmaker in the same position.
For example, Academy qualifications require a film to screen 2 times a day for one week in NYC and LA, but that means there are at least two other screening times a day that another film can take. That way you can share theater rental, equipment rentals, and union projectionist fees. Make sure each of you get at least one prime screening time each day and drive your audiences to those times (in other words, don’t take 12 noon and 2 p.m…..but 12 noon and 7 p.m. is ok!). Obviously you can’t maximize your grosses by sharing screens, but at least you can meet your qualification requirements at a reduced price.
Orly Ravid August 5th, 2010
Posted In: Distribution Platforms, DIY, Theatrical
Tags: Academy qualifying, four wall screenings, independent film, SAG, share screens