TFC Tidbit of the Day 25- Widgets, Ifliers and Phone Apps
Viral tools such as WIDGETS, and iFliers (which we design and are like mini combinations of a website & HTML E-blast) are cheap and simple ways to get the message out about films. We did iFLIERS for END OF THE LINE and EYES WIDE OPEN for example and GASLAND used widgets. The key is to have a viral tool that can be forwarded on to a friend. Perhaps offer fan or sponsor (if you have one) benefits to people who forward to 100 or more.
Regarding Phone Apps (iPhone, Droid, Blackberry…) we don’t believe these are necessary for every film, but films that are issue based or that have a strong niche appeal or name cast can benefit from having an App that can keep adding new content and new information to engage audiences and fans and they can sell the film! TFC works with two iPhone App developers for this kind of engagement.
Orly Ravid July 29th, 2010
Posted In: DIY, Marketing, Mobile / Wireless, Social Network Marketing
Tags: Blackberry, Droid, End of the Line, Eyes Wide Open, Gasland, ifliers, iPhone, phone apps, The Film Collaborative, viral tools, widgets