YOU ARE HERE follows artist and writer Obi Kauffman on his journey to complete the 3rd book in his opus series “The California Lands Trilogy”. Through exploring Obi’s lyrical and poetic expression of California’s desert ecology, “You Are Here” inspires Californian’s to know their natural environment and in turn protect it.
Author and artist Obi Kaufmann has been exploring the ecology of California for decades, communicating his thoughts and findings to the public through a series of books. Central to each chapter of his books are unique maps and diagrams beautifully painted in watercolor, that illustrate everything necessary to understand land not only spatially but also throughout time. YOU ARE HERE is a short documentary that explores Obi’s cartographic process as he seeks to communicate his love for California’s ecology and in turn communicate to the viewer what it means to have a sense of place.
PROJECT TYPE Documentary Short
DIRECTOR Nadia Gill, Dominic Gill
Cinematographer Dominic Gill
WEBSITE encompassfilms.com