The inspiring, often humorous, conflict-embracing journey of musician/artist/novelist/confessional poet Wild Billy Childish as he achieves unanticipated worldwide cult fame via a strict Punk D.I.Y. ethos.
There is no one on this planet like WILD BILLY CHILDISH. He is the single most prolific artist, musician, poet, and author alive. His unprecedented body of work includes recording and releasing over 100 albums of music, publishing 30-odd volumes of poetry and multiple novels, all independently, and creating more than 2,000 paintings. His saga and influence span from the birth of Punk Rock to the Young British Artist movement, thus forging a devoted global following. WILD BILLY CHILDISH will be a compelling brisk stylized three-act hero’s journey through Billy’s tumultuous childhood in Chatham, UK, his coming-of-age baptism by the Sex Pistols, to the respect he enjoys today in the art and music world. Told through Billy’s first-person narration in black & white extreme close-up, this film will be distilled through Billy’s archive of self-documentation: Super 8mm films, Photos, Home Videos, Cassette tape recordings—eschewing a linear structure. Employing signature techniques from The Devil and Daniel Johnston, the film will seamlessly weave hand-held cinéma vérité, POV camera “ghost re-creations,” exquisite lighting, motion control camera, and primitive stylized animations of Billy’s art-come-to-life. The results will be a visually arresting, non-traditional, nonfiction film, a cinematic experience evocative of the literary techniques found in The New Journalism, and an honest reflection of the man himself.
PROJECT TYPE Documentary Feature
DIRECTOR Jeff Feuerzeig
PRODUCER Jeff Feuerzeig
WEBSITE jefffeuerzeig.com
FACEBOOK Facebook Page