A modern musical adventure of an escaped laboratory experiment and her pungent alley rat friend.
On the run from scientists at Tech-NO-Prize Enterprize, PENELOPE & SIMON explores the world and its music from two fugitives’ points-of-view. With catchy original songs and dance routines, PENELOPE & SIMON parodies past and present-day artists while introducing opera, heavy metal, bebop, and many different genres of music through an unlikely pair of friends.
Children may never attend an Opera, but PENELOPE & SIMON offers a special brand of entertainment that is specifically geared for them. In this action-packed musical experience, the duo must hide, outwit, and outrun scientists and their state-of-the-art gadgets all within 11 minutes. Its Roadrunner meets Pinky and the Brain but their quest is not to try and take over the world, but to find a new life living in the lap of luxury. Unfortunately, neither knows its exact location or what it actually looks like.
Penelope is a Peagle; a halfpigeon, half eagle that was created inside the laboratories of Tech-NO-Prize Enterprize. A device was placed on her foot, enabling her to sing opera… sometimes, and at the most inappropriate times. If ever there were a smell that could burn the hair inside of your nostrils and leave you paralyzed, Simon has it. A lab rat himself, Simon escaped and became a street-savvy alley rat that isn’t afraid of anything…except for being eaten. With themes of self-acceptance, especially if you’re a Peagle, or if you stink, PENELOPE & SIMON promotes friendship and self-discovery.
Music and animation can help mold and shape childhood memories, whereas song and dance are carried well into adulthood. The aim of this project is to repackage music, particularly opera, in a way that is entertaining and fun for this current generation, while paying homage to the classics of old.
PROJECT TYPE Episodic - Animated (Short Form)
DIRECTOR Elizabeth Hobbs
PRODUCER Elizabeth Hobbs
WEBSITE elizabethannehobbs.com/services