When Morgan learns his mysterious dreams are suppressed memories, he opens the door to a dangerous past as he is forced into the volatile world of lucid dreaming.
After a recent accident, Morgan is unemployed and depressed. The drugs he misuses to self-medicate are causing him to have vivid dreams of a very different version of himself: an alter-ego as a fearless fixer for a casino owner. As the dreams overtake his life, he learns they are not dreams at all, but rather, lost memory from just before his accident. He sorts through the visual cues to search for a past he doesn't understand.
But when he opens that door, the danger and risk of his past begin to dismantle his reality, which leaves Morgan running from his alternate life at the same time he's piecing it together. The only way for him to gain traction is to delve into the world of lucid dreaming, where he maintains just enough consciousness to control his dreams. It’s there he’s forced to grapple with the reality of who he is and discover just how to. escape his past.
PROJECT TYPE Narrative Feature
DIRECTOR Charles Oliver
PRODUCER Rufus Parker, Sukhi Pabla
WEBSITE p2films.com/our-projects