The Color of Our Skin That Divides Us
OUR KIND is a story that will challenge you to think beyond yourself and ask, “Is It Just the Color of Our Skin that Divides Us.” OUR KIND will confront your way of thinking about how you were raised and require you to take a good, honest look at your heart and your mind when you think about systemic racism.
Grandma Cicely Armstrong, 75-years old, classy, elegant, retired Magna Cum Laude professor with an MFA from The University of Oklahoma in Theater Arts, begins her morning as usual, preparing David’s favor breakfast before he heads off to the art academy. What starts out as a normal day, takes an unexpected turn when they encounter Mr. Paul McGill, 65-year-old, gray haired, thin, intolerant European “Trump” supporter of the worst kind. With his venomous rants and behavior, Mr. Paul McGill takes us on a journey of racism, sexism, socialism that’s combined to create an all so familiar unique set of oppressions experienced by people of color. Familiar to those of us who remember or still encounter the brutal occurrence of being called a “nigger”, a “monkey”, a “chink” or “wetback” we stand on the queen’s Michelle Obama quote, “when they go low, we go high”. How high have we gone, do we go, or could we go?
Through OUR KIND you will be affected in the physical realm by the ugly world of racial injustice or entitlement. However, you will embrace the spiritual journey of race and love through the lenses of David Armstrong, 17-year-old African American male. David has Asperger syndrome, “a man after God’s own heart” who’s spirit of love will defeat the “spirit of Goliath” called fear. Fear equals hates that create racism that has harassed and enslaved OUR KIND for over 400 years.
PROJECT TYPE Narrative Short
DIRECTOR Gingi Rochelle, Nia Hill
SCREENWRITER Antina Campbell
PRODUCER Antina Campbell
WEBSITE ourkindfilm2021.com