When she continues to be rejected from medical school, a first-generation Haitian American decides to become a makeup artist, and all hell breaks loose.
To the average Haitian American family, Stephanie (24), is the perfect daughter. She’s accomplished, obedient, focused on her studies, hardworking, and following the necessary steps to become a doctor! Yet, after applying to ten medical schools and receiving back-to-back rejections, she wonders if it’s a sign to quit while she is ahead and choose a different career.
The dream of becoming a doctor has always been a pressure put on by her religious and traditional Haitian mother, Rose (50) but was it ever something she chose herself? Stephanie balances the idea of becoming a makeup artist and fulfilling her family expectations. She constantly defends her new hobby to her hyper critical aunties and the importance of building her business to her skeptical mother.
It’s all fun and games, as long Stephanie can fulfill her familial obligation to become a doctor. However, during a bout of spring-cleaning Rose finds Stephanie’s purse and in it, several acceptance letters from various medical schools over the last few months.
Rose airs her grievances about her disappointment in Stephanie with her brother Robert (45). Robert, being a bit more hip to the times, points out that Rose is attempting to force her dreams onto Stephanie when the point of them moving to America was to give their children the opportunity to do better than them and live their dreams.
Swayed by her brother’s words, Rose realizes Stephanie’s potential in makeup artistry and decides to throw her support behind her daughter. They reconcile, and Stephanie feels confident to dream past her bedroom walls.
PROJECT TYPE Narrative Short
DIRECTOR Gabrielle Barlatier
PRODUCER Cyn Hilaire, Xavier Dubose
WEBSITE makeupandmedicinefilm.com