A man reunites with his transgender father when the two travel across the Southeast out to scatter his mother’s ashes off the coast of Georgia.
A man reunites with his estranged, transgender father to scatter his mother's ashes off the coast of Georgia. Set against the backdrop of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, LANDLOCKED subtly and thoughtfully examines the Evangelical church's tenuous relationship with marginalized communities as dramatized through the fraught family dynamics of Nick and Briana. Told on a scale that's both intimate and personal, the film charts a course across the American Southeast, where its two main characters must come to terms with the rocky emotional terrain of their pasts. As they approach their coastal destination, and their complicated family history comes into full view, Nick and Briana are faced with the difficult task of determining a new path forward.
PROJECT TYPE Narrative Feature
PRODUCER Tim Hall, Purvis Jordan, Daniel Hansen
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