KNOW YOUR ENEMY is a documentary that takes a clear-eyed look at social justice, free speech, and tribalism, paying close attention to themes and fascinating people—students, professors, activists, parents and more—at the center of these contentious and confusing struggles on our college campuses.
College and university campuses have long been a place not only for young minds to be filled and trained, but also where these eager minds can voice concerns about injustice and inequality: locally, nationally and globally. The civil rights movement of the 1960s, the Vietnam War, No Nukes, Apartheid, gay marriage, on and on. And between 2015 and 2018 some of the most elite campuses in the U.S. had a surprising bump in the number and intensity of activist protests. At first glance, these struggles might sound quite valid, even honorable. Many fellow students, parents, and members of the community might find these students quite honorable in their pursuit of lowering racism, sexism, and trying to make these institutions safe from things like intolerance and oppression. But, what if there is a lot more to these conflicts than meets the eye? And how can people determine the truth in a world marked by fake news and divisive politics?
PROJECT TYPE Documentary Feature
DIRECTOR Scott Hamilton Kennedy