The aftermath of sexual assault.
HOLD ME RIGHT is a documentary about the causes and effects of sexual trauma through intimate testimonies of 40 survivors in the wake of these crimes.
Disclosing hard-won knowledge, HOLD ME RIGHT aims to explain why society should stand with survivors—and against beliefs and stigmas that hurt victims and shield perpetrators. The narrative is not focused on the crimes but examines what happened after, once survivors came forward and sought support. HOLD ME RIGHT’s main character is our culture—reflected in those who are affected by its customs. These common beliefs and reactions create akin aftermath—survivors from different backgrounds have gone through a similar ordeal of being traumatized for the second time: facing disbelief, silence, shame and blame from their close ones and communities. In the context of real stories, the narrative explores what helped, what didn't and why. Through this project, bystanders will receive a ”live pamphlet“ of what they can do to provide the right kind of support. An army of 40 voices speaking up will, hopefully, encourage victims still in silence to come forward and seek help.
PROJECT TYPE Documentary Feature
DIRECTOR Danijela Stajnfeld
PRODUCER Danijela Stajnfeld
WEBSITE holdmerightfilm.com