An aging former Marine fights to keep his life from unraveling as his son tries to force him out of his longtime family home.
Aging former Marine, Eugene Lee Grady, a widower living on his own, maintains a strict regimen every day keeping his life in order with military like precision. He finds himself on the defensive as his son Andrew pressures him to sell his beloved old house and move into an assisted living facility.
Gene begins to worry about his own state of mind as he experiences violent black outs. His behavior grows erratic and Andrew threatens to keep Gene from his beloved granddaughter, Becca.
In an act of resistance, or a means to save his sanity, Gene familiarizing himself with computers, iPhones, and modern technology. His online presence introduces him to another world as he develops a friendship with a group of GenZ’ers.
A mysterious woman from his past named Frances reemerges. Is she a new love interest or someone with a darker agenda? At the same time, a weary detective, Raines, continues to investigate a trail of gruesome murders targeting the people around Gene, who seems to know more than he’s letting on.
PROJECT TYPE Narrative Feature
DIRECTOR Hank Bedford
PRODUCER Stephen Vincent
co-producer Lisa Reneau