Environmental Film Festival in Dakar, Senegal
DAKAR VERT, organizes the 2nd Environmental Film Festival 2017 in Dakar, Senegal, to create a greater environmental awareness, encourage civic engagement and engage in spirited dialogue with the public, especially young people, with politicians, scientists and activists through the presentation of Environmental Films & documentaries, photography and art, clean-up and green up actions and discussions.
DAKAR VERT will return to Dakar, Senegal from Mai 9-12, 2017 for its 2nd biennial Environmental Film Festival hosted by the Goethe Institut Senegal. This international festival will include environmental awareness themed films, academic discussions, a photography expo, and a clean up/green up actions with students from the University of Dakar. - ‘Sand Wars’ by Denis Delestrac, and ‘Hamou-Beya, Sandfishers’ by Andrey Samoute Diarra will explore the consequences of intensive beach sand mining for the environment and the neighboring populations. The politics of climate changes will be discussed in ‘Climat, Le Théâtre des negotiations" by David Bernstein, and the effects of climate change on the magical giants of Africa ‘Baobab- Entre Terre et Mer’ by Cyrille Cornu. - For the expo we invite the public to express their idea about the daily encounter with the ‘environment’ by photography, art or installations.
DAKAR VERT was founded in 2015, and is grateful for all the support, especially from the Goethe Institut Senegal for partnering again with Dakar Vert EFF for the second international festival providing in-kind theater and expo space, production equipment and local marketing for the festival in 2017!
PROJECT TYPE Film Festival
DIRECTOR Heidi Hoerig, PhD; Ousmane N. Keita, Michel Tsagli, Lauren Gibbs
WEBSITE dakarvert.com