The true story of a diner waitress, who was smuggling her co-workers children into California across the Mexico border, and what happened the day she was caught.
Ruth is a young, motivated and sharp woman. She grew up poor to parents who didn’t have any type of formal education, and is thus determined to rise above her circumstances. A teenage mom turned young adult, she works hard to overcome social expectations.
Her mother, Carol, can best be described as an attractive and funny hustler. She can tell you first-hand that raising four kids alone on a waitress’s salary was not easy, but a hard life is the only life that she has ever known. She finds it best to act first and think later. This mother and daughter have never gotten along.
At present, Ruth cannot understand Carol’s justification for illegally smuggling the children of her co-workers across the California border, bringing them in from Mexico. Our story begins and ends on the day Carol was caught, taken into custody and calls on Ruth to rescue her.
PROJECT TYPE Narrative Short
DIRECTOR Rodes Phire
PRODUCER Lauren Selman, Silver Feldman
EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Lauren Selman, Andrew Soriano, Nobu Nagatsuma, Rodes Phire
CO-PRODUCER Allison Rushton, Mackenzie Jeffrey
WEBSITE unpavedrodes.com/coyote