Five queer women use brains, brawn, and a touch of loving humor to empower an image-obsessed social media influencer, allowing her strip away gender norms and embrace her true identity.
In the pilot episode of BUTCH PAL FOR THE STRAIGHT GAL, the Fierce5 (Rei, Tegan, Leslie, Moana, and Sam) seek out Meckayluh Monroe, a full-time social media influencer who has become a bit too ‘image-obsessed’. When they meet Meckayluh they’re surprised to discover an amazingly put-together woman living in an impeccably decorated house. While it seems on the surface that she’s living the ultimate dream, the Fierce5 quickly determine that Meckayluh’s happiness is as real as an Instagram filter. They set out to break down her walls of insecurity and find the real Meckayluh under the facade. One week later, they accomplish their task. Meckayluh rediscovers her true self and learns to find the beauty in simplicity.
PROJECT TYPE Episodic - Documentary
DIRECTOR Assaad Yacoub
PRODUCER Ally Johnson, Rob Schow, Helena Sardinha, Rafael Thomaseto
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