BUOYANCY depicts the global issue of modern slavery from the highly personal and intensely relatable perspective of a 16 year-old Cambodian boy.
BUOYANCY is the first feature film to shine a light on the urgent crisis of trafficking and slavery in the fishing industries. BUOYANCY is also a deeply moving and inspiring piece of world cinema, and the international impact campaign accompanying its release will create widespread awareness of the issues and so motivate lasting change.
Directed by Australian Rodd Rathjen and produced by Causeway Films, the film was shot in Cambodian in early 2018 and completed in Australia December 2018.
After a World Premiere at Berlin Film Festival in February 2019 to packed houses and wide critical acclaim, the filmmakers are now preparing for the Australian Premiere at Melbourne International Film Festival in mid-2019, followed by international release.
The outreach campaign will closely involve the survivors and communities effected by slavery in the fishing industry across Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos. Many of whom have already contributed to the development and production of the ways.
The outreach campaign we want to develop will have very specific real-world outcomes targeted at ensuring stronger awareness around supply chains as they pertain to human rights and environmental exploitation, stronger legislation around child labour, and preventative education.
PROJECT TYPE Narrative Feature
DIRECTOR Rodd Rathjen
PRODUCER Samantha Jennings, Kristina Ceyton, Rita Walsh
WEBSITE causewayfilms.com.au