BOY CULTURE is the story of an anonymous successful Seattle hustler: ten years after the movie, “X” moves to LA to find that the world is a bit different.
BOY CULTURE, the beloved gay classic, returns as an episodic series.
Ten years after the feature, "X" and Andrew — a couple when we left them — have broken up after a move to L.A., so are back where they started: They’re roommates with way too much chemistry.
X, out of hustling for years, is getting back into it, but finds himself rusty about how the business works. Unwillingly, he’s taken under the wing of Chayce, a barely-legal twink ruthlessly up-to-speed on how to sell what he’s got. In no time, this snarky kid is leading headstrong "X" around by the nose: it’s a dynamic that the grumpily insecure, almost-over-the-hill-but-still-hot "X" never saw coming. BOY CULTURE: THE SERIES consists of six snappy, 15-minute episodes, each focusing on a different trick and exploring a different topic.
- “Marriage Equality”: The last time X turned a trick, gay marriage hadn’t even come to one state, let alone all 50.
- “Larry Shippers”: Guess who? Don't sue.
- “The N-Word”: Race ya to the bottom!
- “The Women”: Giving ladies’ choice a whole new meaning.
- “The Surprise”: You must be at least this tall to ride this ride.
- “Comic-Book Hero”: There’s no dressing up the fact that HIV is still every sex worker’s kryptonite.
Throughout the series, X and Andrew’s off-again relationship is coming to a head — will they get back together, or decide to stay apart for good? Meanwhile, Chayce is on hand to mess with X’s mind and to attempt to insert himself into the situation by inserting himself into X’s ex. In short, Boy Culture: The Series expands on and updates the themes of the original book and film, in an entertaining, episodic format.
DIRECTOR Q. Allan Brocka
PRODUCER Stephen Israel, Philip Pierce
WEBSITE kickstarter.com/projects/406738078/boy-culture-the-series?token=70c020bc