ADAM'S APPLE is a divergent coming-of-age documentary from the perspectives of Director Amy Jenkins and her teenage transgender son, Adam. Collaboratively they will trace the transition of Adam from pre-pubescent Audrey to evolving-young-man Adam in an exploration of what characterizes “maleness” for today’s gender-redefining youth.
Currently in development, ADAM’S APPLE is a collaborative feature-length documentary film by Director Amy Jenkins and her teenage transgender son, Adam. At age five Audrey, who had not yet found the identity Adam, started wearing a Superman costume daily to school under her clothes. She expressed embarrassment at being a girl, and spoke openly of this discomfort. Currently, Adam is a 15-year old who has socially transitioned to male and is fully accepted by his peers in the rural New Hampshire town where he lives. The film’s title honors Adam’s desire to grow that coveted bump on a male’s neck. In May of this year, Adam began taking testosterone.
The film will be structured around vignettes that trace Adam’s transition to manhood, weaving the “historical” footage of Audrey, as background, with documentation of events yet to unfold. Through vulnerable video journals that observe Adam’s transition, forthright interviews between mother, father and son, and humorous commentary on pre-existing films of young Audrey/Adam, the filmmakers will examine their own as well as the family’s experience of Adam’s path toward adulthood. For a wider perspective, Adam and Amy will collaboratively film Adam’s friends at his small, New-England prep school to discover what characterizes “maleness” for today’s youth. The film’s conclusion is anticipated to be in three years, after Adam’s high school graduation.
ADAM’S APPLE is a unique and unconventional documentary that tells a compelling coming-of-age story of one young transgender man becoming fully himself in a small New England town. As communities everywhere grapple with rapidly evolving norms around gender, audiences are starved for the frankness and vulnerability the filmmakers plan to portray in the film. With gender at the forefront of contemporary discussion, this rare, honest dialogue from two very different perspectives—mother’s and son’s—will be an impactful and creative endeavor.
PROJECT TYPE Documentary Feature
DIRECTOR Amy Jenkins
PRODUCER Amy Jenkins
WEBSITE Facebook Page