15 TO LIFE is the story of a child condemned to die in prison, battling the U.S. justice system for a second chance.
15 TO LIFE is the story of a child condemned to die in prison, battling the U.S. justice system for a second chance. Eleven years ago in Tampa, Florida, Kenneth Young received four life sentences. He was 15 years old. For more than a decade Kenneth has lived believing he would die behind bars—now a U.S. Supreme Court decision could set him free. Recruited by his mother’s crack dealer to rob hotels, Kenneth needs to prove that he is rehabilitated and that the judge who sentenced him to die a prisoner was wrong to throw away the key. By weaving the present-day story of Kenneth’s legal battle for release with the story of his troubled childhood, 15 TO LIFE explores the complex issues surrounding juvenile sentencing and rehabilitation.
PROJECT TYPE Documentary Feature
DIRECTOR Nadine Pequeneza
WEBSITE 15tolifethefilm.com