Ken Boyd (played by Kevin Corrigan), a lonely man fresh out of the loony bin, has returned to his small hometown, where he works at the ice cream parlor and lives with his overbearing mother, Ruth (played by Karen Black). When not scooping ice cream for his bully of a boss or dealing with his mom’s incessant insults, Ken spends his time either drawing, or trying to kill each of the guys he deems responsible for his miserable life. However, carrying out his murderous plan becomes more difficult for Ken when his estranged daughter (played by Ariel Gade) shows up, eager to get to know her father. Further complicating matters is the Town Sheriff (played by Barry Bostwick), who is hot on Ken’s trail, and sleeping with Ken’s mom. SOME GUY WHO KILLS PEOPLE is based on THE FIFTH, a short film written and directed by Ryan Levin, which found great success on the film festival circuit in 2007-2008.
Writer Ryan Levin
Producers Ryan Levin, Michael Wormser, Micah Goldman
Executive Producer John Landis
Editor Chris Conlee
Cinematographer Shawn Maurer
Music Patrick Belton, Sanaz Lavaedian, Ben Zarai
Cast Kevin Corrigan, Ariel Gade, Barry Bostwick, Karen Black, Lucy Davis, Leo Fitzpatrick
Venice Film Festival, Fantasia International Film Festival
HDCAM, Digibeta, DVD