A love story about fetish porn…RAW! UNCUT! VIDEO! chronicles the rise and fall of homegrown gay porn studio Palm Drive Video and explores how a devoted couple helped battle a devastating health crisis by promoting kinky sex.
Legendary leatherman Jack Fritscher met Mark Hemry in 1979 at Harvey Milk’s birthday party—and the two fell head over heels in love. When the AIDS epidemic swept through San Francisco, the couple left the city to begin a new venture: turning a rural ranch in Sonoma County into a safe-sex porn studio that offered viewers new sexual possibilities in an age of plague. Casting rugged nonprofessional models to explore their unique erotic fantasies onscreen, the studio explored a wild array of queer kinks—and helped champion sex positivity.
Directors Ryan A. White, Alex Clausen
Producers Ryan A. White, Alex Clausen, Todd Verow, Charles Lum, Paul Lee
Cast Jack Fritscher, Mark Hemry, Steve Parker, Mickey Squires, Steve Thrasher, Donnie Russo, The Men of Palm Drive, Susie Bright, Darryl Carlton (Divinity Fudge), Rick Castro, Durk Dehner, Roger Earl, Peter Fiske, Jeffrey Escoffier, Lucas Hilderbrand, Mr. Pam, Susan Shaw, Ron Suresha
2021: Outshine Miami (World Premiere), Molodist Kyiv International, Frameline
Audience Award (Wicked Queer Boston, Rainbox Visions Edmonton), Best Documentary (Gaze International LGBT Dublin), Best International Documentary &mash; Honorable Mention (TLVFest Tel Aviv International LGBT)
The World
DCP, Digital Download